ALA Over the Rainbow Title! Render by Collin Kelley

Included on the American Library Association's OVER THE RAINBOW list of recommended LGBT reading for 2014!
Render by Collin Kelley
ISBN: 978-1-937420-34-5
Release Date: 04/16/2013
6 x 9 Perfect-Bound
Retail Price: $14.95
78 Pages
"In poems that flash like a series of snapshots, Collin Kelley's RENDER captures the story of a boy who must survive a mother bent on disintegration and a culture built upon the illusions created by pop-iconography. Unlike the images we share on social media or press into albums, these poems do not attempt to reshape the past into self-deceptions meant to fill life's 'white vistas / of empty pages...' with something comforting or nostalgic. These poems confess that our journeys are often brutal and unlovely, that at best 'a blue sky and clouds are impossible to render' and that we should 'expect imperfections and subtle debris.' These poems are the photographs we never intend to take but somehow always find, years later, tucked into the shoebox of memory, fully developed in the darkness we so carefully keep." - Daniel Nathan Terry on RENDER