Assaracus: A Journal of Gay Poetry/Issue 1 (Allison, Dillard, Hennessy, Hittinger, Luczak, etc.)

Each issue of Assaracus (ASS-uh-RACK-us) features a substantial portfolio of work by a small number of gay male poets.
"If the first issue celebrates anything, it is complete spirit and joy of QUEER. Queer sex, queer love, queer bodies, queer minds — it’s all here. I can’t begin to express myself: this is just so beautiful and strong, and filled with spirit and perspective. What an extraordinary debut this will be." - Philip F. Clark.
Included in our 6x9, perfect-bound, 127-page debut issue:
Shane Allison
Jay Burodny
Gavin Dillard
Christopher Hennessy
Matthew Hittinger
James Kangas
Raymond Luczak
Frank J Miles
Stephen S. Mills
Eric Norris
The only print journal in the world dedicated completely to gay men's poetry!
ISSN 2159-0478
The only print journal in the world dedicated completely to gay men's poetry! Purchasing through the SRP store gets you 10% off the retail price of $12.00!
You can also subscribe to Assaracus by CLICKING HERE.