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Prayers for My 17th Chromosome by Amir Rabiyah (Publishing Triangle Finalist)
The Moon Over Edgar by Ian Felice
SWALLOW by Sam Rush
New York Diary by Tim Dlugos, Edited by David Trinidad
More Than Organs by Kay Ulanday Barrett (ALA Stonewall Honor Book/Lammy Finalist)
The God of San Francisco by James J. Siegel
original kink by Jubi Arriola-Headley
Lesbian Fashion Struggles by Caroline Earleywine
Sagittarius A* by Ben Kline
So Long, and Thank You for All the Waterproof Mascara. by Lilith Mae McFarlin
Slide to Unlock by Julie E. Bloemeke
Connor & Seal by Jee Leong Koh
The Fabulous Ekphrastic Fantastic! by Miah Jeffra
Reconstructions by Bradley Trumpfheller
The Donkey Elegies by Nickole Brown
Odd Boy by Martin Jude Farawell
God's Boy by Andrew Hahn
Everything Here by Billie Swift
Breath of Eden by James Kangas
Star Map with Action Figures by Carl Phillips
Stonewall Fifty T-Shirt
Have You Seen This Man? The Castro Poems of Karl Tierney
Incandescent by Kai Coggin
Boss Broad by Megan Volpert, Georgia Author of the Year Award Winner