
Lesbian Fashion Struggles by Caroline Earleywine

Sagittarius A* by Ben Kline

Reconstructions by Bradley Trumpfheller

The Donkey Elegies by Nickole Brown

God's Boy by Andrew Hahn

Everything Here by Billie Swift

Breath of Eden by James Kangas

Star Map with Action Figures by Carl Phillips

I Miss You, Delicate (THE SAD, SWEET ONE) by Baruch Porras-Hernandez

Lovers of the Deep-Fried Circle (THE FUNNY ONE) by Baruch Porras-Hernandez

the specimen's apology by George Abraham

Revelations by Ruben Quesada

Corporal Muse by Allison E. Joseph

Where Wind Meets Wing by Anthony Frame

Tourist by Bryan Borland

Revisions by Eric Tran

Touched by Luther Hughes

Death by Sex Machine by Franny Choi

Tertulia by Seth Pennington

Portrait of the Alcoholic by Kaveh Akbar

Adventures in Property Management by Chelsea Werner-Jatzke

In Whatever Light Left to Us by Jessica Jacobs

All the Rage by sam sax

Tonight, We Fuck the Trailer Park Out of Each Other by C. Russell Price