Assaracus Issue 05: A Journal of Gay Poetry (Brass, Schimel, Hathaway)

Assaracus Issue 05
A Journal of Gay Poetry
Publication Date: January 17, 2012
Pages: 146
Assaracus (ISSN 2159-0478), a journal of gay poetry, features a substantial collection of work by multiple gay poets. Issue 05 of Assaracus features poetry by Perry Brass, Guillermo Filice Castro, Vicente M. Foix (Translated from the Spanish by Lawrence Schimel), Christopher Gaskins, Michael Hathaway, Matthew R. Loney, Jeff Mann, Jory M. Mickelson, Erik Schuckers, Kat Smalley, and David-Glen Smith. Cover art by Paul Pinkman.
The only print journal in the world dedicated completely to gay men's poetry!