Assaracus Issue 11: A Journal of Gay Poetry (Early work of Danez Smith & Peter LaBerge)

Assaracus (ISSN 2159-0478), a quarterly journal of gay poetry and one of Library Journal's "Best New Magazines," features a substantial collection of work by a small number of established and emerging gay poets. Issue 11 of Assaracus features poetry by Stuart Barnes, Dunstan Christopher, Kirby Congdon, Craig Cotter, Randall Ivey, Peter LaBerge, A. Loudermilk, Sean Patrick Mulroy, Lucas Scheelk, Danez Smith, Mark Ward, and Korey Williams. Cover Art by David Gilmore featuring Marcelino Rosas and Roberto Barajas Maya. Edited by Bryan Borland and Seth Pennington of Sibling Rivalry Press.