Assaracus Issue 16: A Journal of Gay Poetry (Bryan's Last Issue as Editor)

*Our most talked-about issue EVER*
Issue 16 of Assaracus: A Journal of Gay Poetry (ISSN: 2159-0478 / ISBN: 978-1-937420-83-3) features work by Glenn Phillips, Dustin Brookshire, Michael Walsh, Philip F. Clark, Guillermo Filice Castro, Robert Siek, Carl Miller Daniels, Joseph Ross, Eric Norris, Jeremy Brunger, Rob Jacques, Raymond Luczak, Russell Bungé, George Klawitter, D. Gilson, Christopher Hennessy, Collin Kelley, John Brooks, Adam McGee, Jean-Marie de la Trinité, Sam Sax, David Bergman, Korey Williams, Matthew Hittinger, Stephen S. Mills, Brent Calderwood, Roberto F. Santiago, Chuck Willman, Eric Nguyen, Ross Robbins, Walter Beck, Carlton Fisher, Vytautas Pliura, Danez Smith, Walt Whitman, and Joseph Harker.