Encounters with Authors by Ian Young

ISBN: 9780969528623
Price: $16.00
Pages: 80
Published by Sykes Press and distributed with the help of Sibling Rivalry Press, ENCOUNTERS WITH AUTHORS is a memoir of three extraordinary Canadians, remembered with affection, insight and wit: Scott Symons, award-winning journalist who exchanged a privileged background for a life in exile as scandalous as his revolutionary fiction; Robin Hardy, who abandoned a promising future as an attorney to advocate for the emerging gay movement, defying the "ticking time bomb" in his veins to challenge the orthodoxies of the AIDS era; and Norman Elder, a explorer, painter, poet and Olympian, whose multifaceted career was cut short by a law deemed obsolete for a quarter of a century.
About the Author
Ian Young is the author of Sex Magick, The Stonewall Experiment: A Gay Psychohistory and Out in Paperback: A Visual History of Gay Pulps. His essays, poems and stories have appeared in numerous international anthologies including The Golden Age of Gay Fiction, A Casualty of War and Bizarre Dreams. He lives in Toronto.