ALA Over the Rainbow Title! Joy Exhaustible: Assaracus Presents The Publishers

Included on the American Library Association's OVER THE RAINBOW list of recommended LGBT reading for 2015!
ISBN: 978-1-937420-70-3
Assaracus: A Journal of Gay Poetry presents JOY EXHAUSTIBLE, a look at the work, through poetry, prose, and memoir, of both contemporary and history-making gay publishers and editors. JOY EXHAUSTIBLE features work by James Mitchell, John Lauritsen, Donald Weise, William Johnson, Michael Hathaway, Felice Picano, Steve Berman, Ian Young, Charlie Bondhus, Ron Mohring, Kirby Congdon, Charles Flowers, Perry Brass, John Stahle, Jameson Currier, Lawrence Schimel, and a cover poem by Paul Mariah. It is edited by Bryan Borland and Seth Pennington, publishers of Sibling Rivalry Press, who also contribute their first collaborative poem. This anthology, which doubles as issue 14 of the journal, tells the story of the small gay press in North America and the publishers behind the scenes whose love of writing changed the geography of gay literature.