Boys have been . . . by Christopher Gaskins

Boys have been . . . by Christopher Gaskins

Publication Date: October 22, 2013
6×9; Perfect-Bound Paperback; 128 Pages
Retail Price: $14.95

Christopher Gaskins’ confessional and vulnerable debut collection of poetry, BOYS HAVE BEEN…, is the story of a young gay man navigating self-definition and discovery through sex, romance, heartache, and longing.

“Gaskins' Boys have been . . . is like being invited to a ceremony of ghosts where you’re asked to unveil the complexities of individuality. The telling of lust, yearning, and fear in attempts to stay human. Every poem was like witnessing a stunning spell where each line transforms your heart into a room that you hope has space for the compassion, and the humanity that is so eloquently recorded. This is a riveting collection that reminds us all that the selves we have been linger within us searching, longing, and confirming that we are indebted to the places our hearts lead us no matter how haunted, or blissful.” Ben Westlie, author of Extraordinary Construction