Inclined to Riot by KMA Sullivan

Title: Inclined to Riot
Author: KMA Sullivan
ISBN: 978-1-943977-58-1
Library of Congress Number: 2018960662
Publication Date: 05/29/2019
Retail Price: $15.95
5.83 x 8.27” Paperback; 66 Pages
Distributed by Ingram and Sibling Rivalry Press
Author is available for appearances and interviews
Publisher Contact: [email protected]
Trade, library, and educational discounts available
Desk copies available for educators
Inclined to Riot, KMA Sullivan’s second poetry collection, calls out and pushes against historical and interpersonal expectations which seek to contain, silence, erase the substance of a woman as anything other than mother, daughter, compliant lover. “I am cat-licked / wondering when durer’s lions will consume me / or perhaps inkless today / you press in / I am embossed / your anonymous mother / your 17th century prostitute.” This rejection of imposed identity and circumscribed possibility is offered in lyric, fluid, sensual images as the poet walks through art galleries across the United States and Europe responding to classical and contemporary art which attempt to tell her who she is. She does not relent: “even in fragments / mouth open, nostrils flared / I am nomad, moon goddess, carbon smear / if wings sprouted from my face / I would not fly back.” Instead, she emerges inclined to riot.
KMA Sullivan is the author of two poetry collections: Inclined to Riot (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2019) and Necessary Fire, winner of the St. Lawrence Book Award (Black Lawrence Press, 2015). Her poems and essays have appeared in Boston Review, Southern Humanities Review, diode, The Rumpus, Forklift, Ohio, The Nervous Breakdown, Gertrude, and elsewhere. She has been awarded residencies in creative nonfiction and poetry at Virginia Center for Creative Arts, Vermont Studio Center, and Summer Literary Seminars. KMA is coeditor in chief of Vinyl and the founder and publisher of YesYes Books.