ALA Over the Rainbow Title! Prime by Holnes, Jones, Laurentiis, Williams, and Wilson
If You Can Hear This: Poems in Protest of an American Inauguration
$15.00 - $500.00
ALA Over the Rainbow Title! Lady Business: A Celebration of Lesbian Poetry
Subject to Change: Trans Poetry & Conversation
*LAMBDA FINALIST* Top 10 ALA Over the Rainbow! This assignment is so gay
ALA Over the Rainbow Title! Joy Exhaustible: Assaracus Presents The Publishers
Caprice: Collected, Uncollected, and New Collaborations
Ganymede Unfinished: A Tribute to John Stahle and his Journal Ganymede (315 Pages!)
$10.00 - $22.46
ALA Over the Rainbow Title! Collective Brightness: LGBTIQ Poets on Faith, Religion & Spirituality
The Queer South: LGBTQ Writers on the American South (Douglas Ray, Editor)