Full-Length Poetry
WWJD and Other Poems by Savannah Sipple
When I Was a Twin by Michael Klein
We Go Seasonal by Robert Siek
War Poet by Rob Jacques
Voices Through Skin by Theresa Senato Edwards
Turn by Wendy Chin-Tanner
The Uninhabitable by Jesse Rice-Evans
The Moon Over Edgar by Ian Felice
The God of San Francisco by James J. Siegel
The Erotic Postulate by Matthew Hittinger (Alternate Cover 3)
The Erotic Postulate by Matthew Hittinger (Alternate Cover 2)
The Dozen by Casey Rocheteau
The Carnival of Affection by Philip F. Clark
SWALLOW by Sam Rush
Sonics in Warholia by Megan Volpert
SOB by Loria Taylor
So Long, and Thank You for All the Waterproof Mascara. by Lilith Mae McFarlin
Slide to Unlock by Julie E. Bloemeke
Skin Shift by Matthew Hittinger
Sisterhood by Julie R. Enszer
Sister by Nickole Brown
Road Work Ahead by Raymond Luczak
Purpose and Devil Piss by Robert Siek
Prayers for My 17th Chromosome by Amir Rabiyah (Publishing Triangle Finalist)